Good morning boys and girls…. Santa is a little groggy today. Yes, it seems Harvey was up to his shenanigans again last night, HO! HO! Do you remember me talking about all the clocks Harvey was making? Well, it seems he made about 15 of them and set the alarms for 1am – 1:10am – 1:25am – 1:40am – 1:55am – you get the idea! Every 15 minutes an alarm clock would go off in my bedroom! He hid the clocks all around and every time I’d wake up and turn one off, 15 minutes later ANOTHER would go off!! It was quite the night for sure!!!
So you see, that is why I’m a little sleepy and groggy this morning. That Harvey is a Rascal!! But, he did feed the new baby Reindeer during the early morning hours while I was shutting off alarms!! And he worked all thru the night ‘Armin the GARMIN’ so that we will have the current addresses of all the good girls and boys of the world.
‘ol Harv may have been a little ornery with that little prank, but he’s working extra hard to make up for it!! I’m not suggesting you boys and girls pull anything like that at all – in fact I am DIScouraging it… but if you do make a mistake please try to make up for it by doing SEVERAL good deeds. It might be sharing with your little brother or sister, helping mom and dad around the house, cleaning up your room, obeying your teacher in school, or any other nice things you can think of.
The Big Day is getting closer too!!!! We are just buzzing around the North Pole 20 hours a day, which is why I didn’t really miss too much sleep last night anyway! HO! HO! HO! Percy has made us extra helpings of Treats so that we have all the energy we need to work as long as we do preparing for Christmas Eve. I hope all you boys and girls have your letters and emails in to Santa. There’s still time, send an email to and we’ll get a response back to you lickity split!!
Well, I”m out of time right now….. time to get back to work. We’ve got more toys to pack, the Reindeer team to feed – and get their harnesses and bells shined up, we have meetings with the Elves on the Shelf, of course the Naughty and Nice list to check and recheck, so many things to do before we take off around the Big Wide World to see you all. So be GOOD, and help someone else who is not as fortunate as you….. because there’s only TWO more days and ONE more night before Santa and Harvey and the toys – we’ll all leave. Delivering Joy on Christmas Eve! Zooming and circling the globe we shall go, for a very MERRY Christmas!! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO!
Bye bye boys and girls!! BYE BYE!! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO!